
Chris Petrich is an International Polar Year Postdoctoral Fellow at UAF studying transport processes through sea ice. He received his MS in Physics from the University of Rostock, Germany, and his PhD from the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Studying sea ice-ocean interactions and brine distribution in sea ice, he has been on field campaigns both in Antarctica and in the Arctic (Svalbard and Barrow). He is involved in computer modeling of the transport of nutrients, brine and oil through sea ice. Photo by Sebastian Gerland.

Science Review:

Petrich reviewed the following ACMP classroom lessons for scientific accuracy:

  • Drinkable Snow
  • Many Microclimates
  • Melting the Ice
  • Observing Ice [Ice Art]
  • Sea Ice Board Game
  • Tour of the Cryosphere
  • Unscrambling the Egg Code

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