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David Atkinson, Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Sciences; Carleton University, ’89 Bsc(H); Carleton University, ’92 M.A.; University of Ottawa, ’00 PhD. Atkinson’s research interests include impacts of weather on coasts in Arctic regions, derivation of high-resolution climate data grids for data-sparse regions and circum-Arctic storminess, historical and projected.  Synergistic activities include leading the environmental working group for the Arctic Coastal Dynamics Project, co-charing the “Modeling Task Force” at the Earth Sciences Sector (Canadian Federal Government) and recovering non-standard climate data sets for the Arctic regions.

Lecture Presentations:

Collecting & Recording Data
Presented Feb. 9, 2006
Lecture Summary
(click here)
David Atkinson, Associate Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, explains and differentiates between collecting and recording data when conducting an experiment. Atkinson illustrates these two methods with a basketball experiment conducted by multiple participating classrooms. Also described is the importance of properly setting up an experiment and recording the methods used, as minute differences in detail can make a huge difference in results. Atkinson also mentions ways data collecting and recording are used in the gathering of weather data, and ways this information can be accessed and used in forecasting. The lecture is followed by questions from students and teachers in the Bering Strait School District.


Scientific Instruments
Presented Nov. 14, 2006
Lecture Summary
(click here)
David Atkinson, Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, gives an introductory lecture on scientific instruments used in guaging and analyzing weather. The application and operation of maximum and minimum thermometers, snow temperature probes, anemometers, wind vanes, sonic anemometers, barometers, altimeters, a sling psychrometer, electrical thermometers and radiation shields, and weather balloon radiosondes are all discussed. Atkinson explains the use and accompanying pitfalls of each instrument. The lecture is followed by questions from students and teachers in the Bering Strait School District.

Science Review:

Atkinson reviewed the following ACMP classroom lessons for scientific accuracy:

  • Alaska's Changing Climate
  • The Carbon Connection
  • Global Climate Change
  • Greenhouse Effect
  • Introduction to the Carbon Cycle
  • Introduction to the Greenhouse Effect
  • Introduction to Energy Transfer
  • Lake Ice and Energy Transfer
  • Lake Ice and Conductive Heat Flow
  • Layering the Air
  • The Science of Snow
  • Understanding Albedo

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Basketball hoop photo by Sof, via wikimedia. Anemometer photo courtesy NOAA.