Information for 2008-09 BSSD Teachers

New Permafrost Lessons

During the 2008-09 school year, newly developed permafrost lessons will be field tested by BSSD teachers. Please administer the pretest before introducing any of these new ACMP permafrost lessons. The pretest and new permafrost lessons are downloadable from the links below. The timeline for sending student worksheets to the GI for analysis is included below.

New Permafrost Sites

Permafrost temperature monitoring systems will be established near each school. To earn PD credits, teachers and students will make measurements of snow thickness and frost depth from these permafrost borehole sites. These measurements will need to be added to the Student Network for Observing Weather (SNOW), formally called the Science Observation Network (SON). Site visits will be made throughout the year to help teachers collect this information.

Professional Development

Teacher Workshops

  • Introductory Workshop: August 7, 2008
  • Science, Technology, and Math (STM) Workshop: October 22-23, 2008 (in conjunction with the BSSD in-service)
  • IT Workshop: Site visits, schedule TBA

Mentor Lectures

The 2008-09 mentor lectures will all focus on permafrost. These lectures are scheduled to occur at 2pm on November 10, January 12, and February 2.

Lesson Timelines
